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Homoeopathy for Common Dental Disorders!!

Homoeopathy for Common Dental Disorders!!

Discover common dental disorders, symptoms & homoeopathic remedies. Maintain oral health. Consult an expert for proper diagnosis & care.

Dr. Parth Aphale, Dr. Dharmendra Sharma
August, 26 2023

Certainly, there are several common dental disorders that people may experience. It's important to note that if you suspect you have any of these conditions, it's always best to consult a qualified dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Here are some common dental disorders:

Cavities (Dental Caries):

Cavities are areas of decay on the surface of teeth caused by the breakdown of tooth enamel due to bacteria and acids produced by the consumption of sugary foods and poor oral hygiene.


Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease characterized by inflamed, swollen, and bleeding gums. It's often caused by poor oral hygiene and can be reversible with proper care.

Periodontitis (Gum Disease):

If gingivitis is left untreated, it can progress into periodontitis. This is a more serious form of gum disease that involves inflammation and infection of the structures supporting the teeth, including the bone. It can lead to tooth loss if not managed properly.

Tooth Sensitivity:

Tooth sensitivity is the discomfort or pain experienced when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks. It often occurs due to exposed tooth roots or worn enamel.

Dental Abscess:

A dental abscess is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection. It can result from an untreated cavity or injury and leads to pain, swelling, and sometimes fever.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding):

Bruxism is the habit of grinding or clenching teeth, often unconsciously. It can lead to tooth wear, fractures, headaches, and jaw pain.

Oral Thrush:

Oral thrush is a fungal infection characterized by white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, and roof of the mouth. It's caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast.

Dry Mouth (Xerostomia):

Dry mouth occurs when there's a reduced production of saliva. It can result from medications, medical conditions, or lifestyle factors. Saliva helps cleanse the mouth and prevent cavities.


Malocclusion refers to misalignment of the teeth and/or improper positioning of the jaws. It can lead to bite problems, difficulty chewing, and sometimes speech issues.

Oral Cancer:

Oral cancer can affect the lips, tongue, cheeks, throat, and other parts of the mouth. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment.

Enamel Erosion:

Enamel erosion occurs when the protective enamel layer on teeth is worn away due to acidic foods, beverages, or stomach acid. This can lead to tooth sensitivity and weakening of the teeth.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth:

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, may become impacted (stuck) if there's not enough space in the mouth for them to fully emerge. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to pain, infection, and damage to nearby teeth.

Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist for check-ups can help prevent many of these dental disorders. If you experience any symptoms or concerns related to your oral health, it's important to consult a dental professional for appropriate guidance and treatment.

In homoeopathy, remedies are chosen based on the individual's symptoms and overall constitution, rather than a specific disease label. Here are some homoeopathic remedies that are traditionally associated with common dental issues. Remember, it's important to consult a qualified homoeopath or healthcare professional before using any homoeopathic remedies, especially for dental disorders:

Arnica Montana:

Commonly used for dental pain and soreness after dental procedures or trauma.

May help reduce swelling and bruising associated with dental surgery.

Hypericum Perforatum:

Often used for nerve pain following dental work, such as root canals or extractions.

Helpful for pain radiating along nerve pathways.


Used for teething pain in infants and young children.

May help with irritability and restlessness during teething.

Plantago Major:

Traditionally used for toothaches, especially those involving sensitivity to cold or touch.

Can be useful for shooting or throbbing pain in the teeth.

Mercurius Solubilis:

Indicated for gum infections and inflammation.

May be helpful for swollen and bleeding gums, as well as bad breath.

Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum:

Used for toothaches with extreme sensitivity to cold air or water.

Can be beneficial for abscesses or infections around the teeth.


Often recommended for gum abscesses, dental fistulas, and gum infections.

May help with slow-healing dental problems.


Used for foul-smelling breath and mouth ulcers.

Indicated for gums that are spongy and bleed easily.


Used for dental pain caused by dental work or surgeries.

May help with sensitivity and soreness in the gums after procedures.

Calcarea Fluorica:

Often used for strengthening tooth enamel and preventing cavities.

Indicated for brittle teeth and dental decay.

It's important to note that homoeopathic remedies are chosen based on a holistic assessment of the individual's physical, emotional, and mental state, as well as their symptoms. What works for one person may not work for another, even if they have the same dental disorder. Consulting a qualified homoeopath is essential to receive appropriate guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Always prioritize your oral health and seek advice from a dentist or healthcare professional for any serious dental concerns. Homoeopathic remedies should not be used as a substitute for conventional dental care when necessary.

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