Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune
(Deemed to be University)
Post graduate M.D. (Hom.) programme has been started in 3 courses namely Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy and Repertory each having 6 seats with a total intake capacity of 18 seats from the academic year 2014 - 2015.
Duration of Programme - 3 years including 1year house job duty or equivalent thereof.
Eligibility - Minimum eligibility for M.D. (Hom) is BHMS course of 5 ½ years duration including 1year compulsory rotator internship.
Admission procedure- Through AIAPGET conducted All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi on behalf of Ministry of AYUSH.
Working Plan- M.D(Hom) course is divided into Part-I and Part- II.
M.D (Hom) Part-I- Each student admitted for M.D(Hom) has to undergo one year compulsory housejob duty. During this period he has to attend the college OPD and IPD and have to examine different types of patients in OPD and IPD. Each student must conduct clinical training for U.G students as well as interns. The students have to attend P.G Seminars, conferences according to the requirement of the Central Council of Homoeopathy, New Delhi. During 1st 3 months of M.D(Hom) Part I, each student has to select a topic of his dissertation and prepare its synopsis under the guidance of the guide appointed to him which is then submitted to M.U.H.S for approval.
M.D (Hom) Part-II- Each P.G student must complete his/her dissertation under the guidance of the guide appointed to him which is then submitted to MUHS Nashik and forms the main basis of his/her Final M.D(Hom) Practical Viva Voce.
The courses for study and examination for the M.D. (Hom.) (Degree Programme) shall be as following:
Post graduate degree courses shall be in the following branches.
Mr. G. V. Shinde Designation: Registrar, Dr. D. Y. Patil Homoeopathic Medical College Mobile No.: 9850042095 Mail: info.homoeopathy@dypvp.edu.in
Dr. Vineet Sinnarkar Designation: Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Mobile No.: 9370146092 Mail: vineet.sinnarkar@dpu.edu.in